Kích thước chữ: +ALớn hơn -ANhỏ hơn

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Đề thi tiếng anh lớp 6 HK II (Đề 50)

I. A. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others (0.75mk)
1. nose             oval                 toe                   body
2. plane            plan                 camp                half
3. meter           big                   thick                high
   B.Choose the word whose main stress pattern is not the same as that in the rest. (0.5 mk)
4. natural         capital              pagoda            desert
5. ahead           sandwich         toothpaste       sausage
II. Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in each sentence. (2.25mks)
6. _______ his lips full or thin?
            Does                Do                   Is                     Are
7. She wouldn’t like any noodles. She’s _______________.
            Hungry            thirsty              full                   tired
8. Two hundred ____________, please.
            Gram               kilo                  dozen              grams
9. ___________ does Minh usually go with?
            Who                What               When               How
10. We sometimes go _____________ in the fall.
            Sail                  sails                 sailing              for sail
11. She’s  going  to _______________ Hue.
            Come               visit                 go                    travel
12. He’s not from France. He’s ________________.
            The United States       American         Cuba                France
13. The ____________ river in the world is the Nile River.
            Longest           longer              long                 longing
14. Kathy and Tom are going to stay __________ a week.
            In                     for                   on                    at
III. Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in the following dialogue.(1.5 mks)
Salesgirl:         Yes, sir. Can I help you?
Mr. Minh:        Yes, I want (15) ___________ a kilo of ice-cream.
Salesgirl:          (16) _________ you want any milk, Sir?
Mr.Minh:         I don’t want (17) ________ milk (18) ________ I want some butter.
Salesgirl:          How (19) __________ butter do you want?
Mr Minh:         One hundred (20) ____________, please.
15. a half                     half                  dozen              half of
16. Do                         Does                Are                  Is
17. some                      a                      an                    any
18. and                                    so                     but                   because
19. much                     many               old                   a
20. gram                      dozen              grams               kilo
IV. Choose the underlined words or phrases A, B, C or D that must be changed for the sentence to be correct. (1mk)
21. Vatican is smallest city in the world.
                    A     B              C          D                        è __________________
22. How’s the weather like? It’s cold.
          A      B                           C     D                         è __________________
23. I’m thirsty. I’m like some orange juice. 
                A        B    C      D                                       è __________________
24. Howmuch is a sandwich and a cup of coffee?
            A         B                      C             D                 è __________________
V. Choose the correct answers in the box to fill in the blanks. (1mk)

It is 6.437 kilometers long.      No, it doesn’t.
At his friend’s house.               Yes, she does.

25. Where is he going to stay?
26. Does Vietnam have any deserts?
27. How long is the Nile River?
28. Does his sister want to visit Ha Noi?
VI. Read the passage. Then write True or False for each of the sentence below. (1mk)
Minh and his friends are going to have a picnic near a lake. Nam is going to bring his camera. He is going to take some photos. Tuan is going to bring some food. Minh is going to bring some drinks.
                                                                                                TRUE              FALSE


29. Minh is going to have a picnic with his friends.


30. Minh is going to take some photos.


31. They are going to bring some food.

32. Minh is going to bring some drinks.        

VII. Make questions for the underlined words. (2mks)
33. It’s hot in Ho Chi Minh City.
       è _______________________________?
34. They are going to stay there for a week.
       è _______________________________?
35. No. She isn’t short.
      è ________________________________?
36. He wants a kilo of beef.
       è ________________________________?

Nguồn: Internet


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