Kích thước chữ: +ALớn hơn -ANhỏ hơn

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Đề thi tiếng anh lớp 6 HK II (Đề 58)

I- Listening (2,5ms)
   Listen and choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1.      Ba and Lan  ___________ go to the zoo  .
                a. sometimes           b. usually                 c. always
    2. They go about   ________times a year .
                a. one                     b. two                      c. three
    3.  They often go to the _________   .
                 a. market                 b. park                c .  hotel
    4. They usually play   __________  .
                a. sports                  b. soccer                c. tennis
    5.  They don’t have _________ tent  .
                 a. some                   b. a                        c. an   
II- Reading.  (2,5 ms)
            Read the passage .
            Nam has breakfast at 6 :30. He likes bread and butter for his breakfast. He drinks some hot milk. It’s his favorite drink. At 11.30 , he has a big lunch with chicken, vegetables and rice. He likes  chicken. It’s his favorite food. Dinner is at 6.30 in the evening. He doesn’t like vegetables for dinner, so he has some fish, soup and rice. He drinks some orange juice for dinner .
            * Read the passage then complete sentences . (1m)
               1. He likes___________________ for his breakfast.
               2. He drinks some ______________ for dinner .
             3. He has a big lunch with ________________________and rice.
             4.  Dinner is at 6.30 _______________ .
            * Read the passage, then answer the questions. (1,5ms)
               1. What time does he have breakfast ?
               2. What’s his favorite drink ?
               3. Does he like bread and butter for his breakfast ?
III- Language focus .
       A .Choose the best word to complete the following sentences with a, b,c . (0,5m)
                 1. _______ often do you do the homework ?.
                          a. What                 b. How                    c. When
                2. ________ do you do in your free time ?
                         a. Which               b .Who                   c. What
         B. Supply the correct form of the verbs in the brackets . ( 2ms )
             1.  My brothers (want) ________ cold drinks .
             2.  They like( watch)________television .
             3.  It (be)_________cool in the fall.
             4.  There (be)_________some apples on the table .
             5.  We ( not go )___________ camping in the winter .
             6.  She ( cook) ___________ lunch at the moment .
             7.  What about ( listen) ________ to music .
             8.  Which sports does your sister (play) ______  ? .
IV- Writing.  
            Write a paragraph to talk about Phuong and Mai. Using the suggestions below. (2,5m)
            Their name/ Phuong and Mai. They/ to the school every day. They / never late / school. After school, they / their mom to do / house work. Every night, they/ their home work / 7 .30.  In free time. They / television.  They sometimes / volleyball in the fall .

           Their name ...............................................................................................................

                                                               THE END

Nguồn: Internet


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