Seasons and life
Read the passage and do the task that follows/do the tasks that follow
The thing I like about living on a farm when I was small was the change of seasons. Spring, summer, autumn and winter- I could see them all come and go, each one was completely different. If I hadn't been born and raised in the country, I would have never been able to tell the difference. Now in the city, you can buy summer flowers in winter and eat the same vegatables all the year round. Whereas, in the country, I could only eat things at certain times of a year- for example strawberries in June and turnips in winter. I lived my childhood with the seasons. Also we made most of our food and would never eat frozen or tinned food. Everything was fresh- so it must be better than type of food I am taking now in the city. City people may think people in the country miss a lot of good things about modern life, but in my opinion they miss a lot more than rural people - they miss real life.
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